Invitation for Expression of Interest for Consultancy "Artificial Islands in the Central Waters - Investigation"


Logo of Lantau Tomorrow

Artificial Islands in the Central Waters - Investigation
Expression of Interest

The Government announced the Lantau Tomorrow Vision in 2018. The Vision aims to increase land supply to meet the medium-to-long term development needs of Hong Kong, and covers the development of artificial islands in the Central Waters, North Lantau and the coastal areas of Tuen Mun, to be supported by a new set of transport networks connecting various development areas. One of the key initiatives of the Vision is to conduct a planning and engineering study on the first phase of the artificial islands in the Central Waters involving a total reclaimed area of about 1,000 hectares, together with a transport infrastructure study mainly for the priority road and rail connections linking the artificial islands with Hong Kong Island, Northeast Lantau and the coastal areas of Tuen Mun ("the Study"). Apart from housing development, the artificial islands will also support the development of Hong Kong's third core business district. Carbon neutral, smart and innovative initiatives are the ingredients of the Study.

The Civil Engineering and Development Department ("CEDD") is inviting expression of interest ("EOI") from interested consultant firms for undertaking the Study, which is scheduled for commencement in mid-2021 for completion in 42 months. Please note that this letter does not form part of the tender documents. Information in this letter is only for general reference. Tenderers should refer to tender documents for details relating to the requirements and procedures of tender submissions for this Study.

All local and overseas consultant firms are welcome to participate in the Study. Interested consultant firms not on the list of Group 3 under the Service Category of "Civil Infrastructure and Development" ("CE Group 3") or the list of Group 2 under the Service Category of "Town Planning" ("TP Group 2") maintained by the Engineering and Associated Consultants Selection Board ("EACSB"), may form joint ventures with CE Group 3 consultant(s) or TP Group 2 consultant(s) to submit the EOI or participate as sub-consultants of CE Group 3 consultant(s) or TP Group 2 consultant(s). Other requirements of the EOI submission are detailed in the EOI tender notice and the EOI Invitation letter.

Alternatively, consultant firms not on the lists of CE Group 3 and TP Group 2 may submit applications to the EACSB for inclusion on the list(s) on or before the close of EOI submission; these consultant firms will be deemed to be on the list(s) under that/those Service Category(ies) and Group(s) in the assessment at the EOI stage. However, their Technical and Fee Proposal (if the consultant firms are shortlisted at the EOI stage) will NOT be considered unless approval from EACSB for the inclusion on the list(s) under that/those Service Category(ies) and Group(s) are obtained on or before the close of the Technical and Fee Proposal submission. Details of application requirements and procedures for inclusion on the lists of Consultants in EACSB can be found in the link here.

Interested consultant firms may obtain a copy of EOI invitation letter and Electronic Invitation Package ("EIP") for the above contract, either in person (at the following time and address), or by email, by filling and submitting the EIP Application Form to CEDD.

Office hour: 9:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. and 1:30 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. (GMT +8) from Monday to Friday, except public holidays

Sustainable Lantau Office, CEDD
13/F, North Point Government Offices
333 Java Road, North Point, Hong Kong

The EOI submission deadline is 12:00 noon (GMT +8) on 22 January 2021 (Friday).

An online tender briefing for EOI will be held on 5 January 2021 (Tuesday) at 7:00 p.m. (GMT +8). Interested consultant firms wishing to join the online briefing shall complete the Tender Briefing Application Form and return it by email to on or before 28 December 2020 (Monday).

If you have any enquiries, please contact my Senior Engineer, Mr. P K CHEUNG, at (+852) 2231 4456, or through email at

Sustainable Lantau Office
Civil Engineering and Development Department
December 2020
