Tung Chung New Town Extension – Reclamation and Advance Works – “Excellence in Construction Industry Volunteering Collaboration” (Silver Award) and “Excellence in Construction Industry Volunteering Project” (Merit Award) under the Construction Industry Vo


In upholding the mission of the Civil Engineering and Development Department, the volunteer team "Builder" of the Tung Chung East reclamation contract organized a wide range of volunteering activities including talks, community visits, joint activities with community organisations and donation of caring bags, to express our care to the Tung Chung community and our commitment to build an inclusive society, as well as building up a good image for the construction industry.

The contribution of "Builder" was widely recognised by the industry. We were honoured to receive a Silver Award for "Excellence in Construction Industry Volunteering Collaboration" and a Merit Award for "Excellence in Construction Industry Volunteering Project" under the Construction Industry Volunteer Award Scheme 2020 organised by the Construction Industry Council.
