CEDD Signed Contract for Improvement Works at Tai O – Phase 2, Stage 2


The Civil Engineering and Development Department signed a contract of about HK$286.1 million on 9 May 2023 with Tung Lee-CCCC-FHDI Joint Venture for carrying out improvement works at Tai O.

The works mainly include:

  1. construction of a footbridge at Yim Tin with a clear width of about 3 metres (m) and total length of about 140 m;
  2. construction of a footbridge at Po Chue Tam with a clear width of about 3 m and total length of about 120 m;
  3. construction of an amphitheatre-cum-open space and a public car park at Yim Tin;
  4. upgrading works of the open area in front of Yeung Hau Temple;
  5. ancillary works, including associated road, drainage, water mains, sewerage, utilities, landscaping and public lighting works, etc.; and
  6. implementation of environmental mitigation measures for the works mentioned in items (a) to (e) above.

The works commenced on 31 March 2023 for completion in 2026.
